Thursday, April 4, 2013

Sharepoint 2010 Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscriptions Settings Service


The Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscription Setting service is one element of a concept known as multi-tenancy in SharePoint 2010.  The service provides a means of creating and managing logical groups of site collections based on the need to share settings, features and service data.
         Service provides a means of creating and managing logical groups of site collections based on the need to share settings, features and service data. 

How to do

1.     The service “Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscriptions Settings Service” is stop
2.     Start service “Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscriptions Settings Service” by Open Management Shell input the script below
<# Start Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscriptions Settings Service #>
Get-SPServiceInstance | where{$_.GetType().Name -eq "SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceInstance"} | Start-SPServiceInstance
3.     Service “Microsoft SharePoint Foundation Subscriptions Settings Service” is started
4.     Create Service Application Pool, Service Database, Service Application Proxy
$acc = Get-SPManagedAccount  "yourdomain\user"
$appPool = New-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name SettingsServiceApplicationPool –Account $acc 
$app = New-SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplication –ApplicationPool $appPool –Name SettingsServiceApplication –DatabaseName SettingsServiceDatabase
$proxy = New-SPSubscriptionSettingsServiceApplicationProxy –ServiceApplication $app
5.     You will see database is created
6.     You will see service application is created
7.     Create new Subscription, Tenant Admin: input the script
<# Creates a new sub #>
$sub = New-SPSiteSubscription
<# Creates Tenant admin site #>
New-SPSite -url http://your web application/sites/tenantadmin -owneralias dicentral\hungdo -owneremail -template tenantadmin#0 -SiteSubscription $sub -AdministrationSiteType TenantAdministration
8.     You will see the site collection is created
9.     Open your site collection
10.  Create Member Site: input the script
<# Creates new member site $sub= http://your web application/sites/tenantadmin #>
New-SPSite -url http://your web application/sites/tenantmember2 -owneralias yourdomain\user -owneremail -template sts#0 -SiteSubscription $sub
11.  Create the second Member Site: input the script
<# Creates new member site $sub= http://your web application/sites/tenantadmin => how can you know: echo $sub#>
New-SPSite -url http://your web application/sites/tenantmember1 -owneralias yourdomain\user -owneremail -template sts#0 -SiteSubscription http://your web application/sites/tenantadmin
12.  You will see two member site on admin site


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